Just before I left Bolivia, someone thought it pertinent to remind me, “Bolivia should never have existed”. I assumed her comment referred to “Upper Peru”. During the pre-colonial era, Peru and Bolivia were a seamless territory. First the Aymaras were settled throughout it and later the Inca Empire stretched its condor wings across the near entirety as well. When the Spaniards gained control, they referred to the land of modern Peru as “Lower Peru” and the land of modern Bolivia as “Upper Peru”, for its higher altitude. Thus when independence came, each declared separately.
And so it is that I’m trading one brother for the other, trading the geographically stunning capital city La Paz for the polluted haze of the port city Lima.
I remember struggling with my research project last year and finally telling myself that if when I left, if I had loved Bolivia, really loved her, then I couldn’t have failed. And this month when I set sail, I knew I did love her. And success or failure aside, I'm SO glad she exists.
The next big adventure begins in a mere two weeks: Voyage to Lower Peru.
Can’t wait.
Must have been a chilean that made that coment to you, they are feed that crap by their history teachers.
Chilean people don't care about Bolivia nearly as much as Bolivians care about Chileans. It is a pretty one-sided rivalry.
I was going to make a joke about that map you posted, but I think "anonymous" made it for me
Jess -- vaya con dios on your adventure to Lower Peru! -- but when are you coming home to us?
Much Love, Carol B.
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