The accents are pushy and always end sentences, even statements, in question marks, demanding your immediate response like a harsh LAPD Blues spotlight shining on you in the interrogation room while thick beads of sweat drip down your forehead. The investigative aura of the words just sit in the air for what feels like forever, while I decide if the Peruvian really was expecting a response or if it was just her accent.

And the worst part is that i should be blogging about the crisis in Bolivia: the near civil war, the expulsion of the US Ambassador, the violent deaths of at least 8 people, the declared national state of emergency, the indigenous woman I saw on the news getting beat with sticks while her baby was on her back, and the South American summit of leaders that convened Monday in Chile to support president Morales and come up with a plan to avoid full out civil war. But instead I'm sitting at a Lima coffeehouse with WiFi annoyed by Peruvian accents while my eyebrow twitches. And guess what else, its not a peruvian coffeehouse, its Starbucks. Yes, Lima has Starbucks and I bet they don't even use Peruvian coffee!
I'm almost positive the eyebrow twitch is linked to the accent! And the other annoying thing about it, is that I cant even imitate it! I don't think I'll ever sound like a Peruvian, even if I try really really hard. At least in Bolivia I could occasionally fool people, here everyone asks where I'm from. Or maybe they're just stating that I'm not from here, but their accent makes it seem like a question.
It's called a Blepherospasm - the twitch I mean.
Now I have to go see what is going on in Bolivia. And I thought I was going to get at least 6 hours of sleep tonight. Thanks a lot Jess.
way to sell out. Too busy enjoying Starbucks to bother with the Bolivian crisis of the month. Suppose once Condi stopped writing you checks you stopped caring
All the statements sound like questions? Maybe Peruvians just talk like Valley Girls?
You are funny. And I miss speaking with you. Continued wished of good luck - Boulder Tom
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